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Quanxuan (Q.X) Shuai

December 3 — January 10, 2020

Quanxuan (Q.X.) Shuai is a contemporary Chinese artist from Chengdu, Sichuan who recently moved to Oakton, Virginia. His paintings are responses to his battles with depression, tempered by a deep appreciation for peace and nature. Q. X. studied with leading Chinese artists including He Duoling and Ma Yiping, and obtained degrees at TsingHua University, and Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts.

The Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association (NVFAA) | The Athenaeum Gallery

201 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314  | 703 548 0035

The NVFAA is a registered 501 (c) 3 organization and supported primarily though donations, member contributions, proceeds from rental of the building for events, and commissions from art sales.

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