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Elzbieta Sikorska

Everything is Double

Artist's Statement

There is a playful, puzzle-like element in the attempt to rediscover hidden threads and connections, to investigate accepted categories. I’m trying to play with these ideas in my art by contrasting and juxtaposing different images. I’m not looking for answers but rather would like to inspire reflection.


The concept of time, our understanding of early civilizations, and the connections between cultures have been my interest for some time now. Exploring these areas can reveal different, sometimes double meanings and deeper layers of matters we may consider well defined. And yet they are not, and this dissonance is closely intertwined with the understanding of our own identity.


The idea of duality is not new; the two faces of man, gods, nature, opposite meanings of ideas are an old tale. A human being has feminine and masculine elements. We attach attributes to “she" and “he” and everything around us, but the established divisions are getting murky the more we investigate them. The same can be applied to many concepts we take for granted.

Double click the image area to the right to see each image in the show and to get details.

Please enjoy this video tour of Everything is Double at the Athenaeum Gallery.

The Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association (NVFAA) | The Athenaeum Gallery

201 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314  | 703 548 0035

The NVFAA is a registered 501 (c) 3 organization and supported primarily though donations, member contributions, proceeds from rental of the building for events, and commissions from art sales.

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